To learn and teach a new language or subject new material should be updated. Nowadays, new technologies have changed our lives.
To learn a new subject there are lots of ways to achieve the same objective.
On the one hand, there are schools that teach traditionally. Students work with books, because nowadays, they don't have computers for all the students. Therefore it is difficult to acquire new knowledge. Students aren’t interested and motivated to learn something new.
On the other hand, there are schools that have new technology. Their academic results are better than the school that works only with books, because students have more tools to learn a language or another subject.
So teachers and pupils are interested in learning something interesting. In contrast, if they always use the same book and never change anything about their methodology, the results are negative.
As for teachers, it is better to have lots of tools than just one. Because their work becomes easier and they transmit more motivation and interest to students.
Finally, every day students and teachers should see the results, the changes affecting today's society.